Ed Hardy

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Shop Number: L414

Phone Number: 028-86615269

Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00

Ed Hardy Chinese name “Ed Hardy” often used in embroidery, washing, ink and other techniques, to create a decadent and Mi Li feeling, combined with Tattoo from the master’s hand, tiger, eagle, skeleton demon, dagger and nude tattoo, creating a series of tide of fashion. At the same time, Ed – Hardy (Ed Hardy) also has a strong flavor of Japanese carp, dragon and tiger totem, and a new breed of dog squirrel cartoon, a launch will be popular. The best selling single product is a colorful, with Ed Hardy (Ed Hardy) slogan “Love Kills Slowly” T-shirt, T-shirt and collocation is a dotted with bright jewelry hat, this T-shirt and cap the price of more than $100.
Brand designer ChristianAudigier “KingofJeans” reputation, previously served as Levi’s brand designer, bought TATTOO Godfather DonEdHardy creation patent, DonEdHardy legend tattoo art introduction into fashion, retro punk elements and street culture, combined with the tattoo art and fashion. When the godfather meets the genius of the cowboy, the collaboration of the two masters redefined the street fashion (StreetFashion), and boldly created the brand characteristics of the American spirit.

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